Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Wifey's Wifi | Discovering (THE FREE!) iPhone Personal Hotspot App

Hubby gave me an iPhone...

My first such phone, yes. Although I'm not a self-professed techie, I do love going online (with a "the world's my personal library" sort of delight)--so it did not take much convincing from hubby for me to try out the iPhone's Personal Hotspot app.

For the uninitiated (which is what I was, technically, up until 20 minutes ago):
1. On your iPhone, go to Settings.
2. The first set of settings should be: Airplane Mode | Wi-Fi | Bluetooth | Personal Hotspot | Carrier. Tap on, well, of course, Personal Hotspot.
3. Turn it on. Or slide it on, if you'd rather call it that.
4. Plug iPhone into your computer. (Yes, the charger's other end can be detached from the plug and inserted into your computer's USB port.)

5. On your computer, choose iPhone from the list of network services.
6. If prompted for a password, check your iPhone's Personal Hotspot display. There's likely a "Wi-fi Password" heading (below the "Personal Hotspot" heading), to the right of which is an alphanumeric password.
7. Rejoice and thank God for creating the person who designed this particular app, and then
thank God some more that it's still being provided for free.

Then log on to your favorite sites (for example, www.creativekuripot.blogspot.com)...

That's about it. See you online.

"Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act."
Proverbs 3:27
(As cited in http://bible.cc/proverbs/3-27.htm)

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