Friday, February 3, 2012

Make something. Save something.

I had just received a lovingly gentle but undoubtedly firm reminder from my hubby Edel. He had patiently listened and looked as I ran through the list of things I thought we urgently needed to buy. I thought it was a pretty impressive list; for a moment I fancied myself as an amateur procurement officer of some sort.

The moment sped faster than I could scroll halfway down the list.

"All these things...the printer conversion, the new cabinet...are good. But they will have to come from your own income, from whatever you will make. And our priorities have already been set," he said with Gandhi-like equanimity. For a split-second I would have preferred a Santa Claus-like indulgence.

The truth stung and stunned.

Later that day, as I attacked a fresh document pile on my workdesk at home, I engaged God in friendly banter. Actually I was making feeble attempts at negotiating: Can You provide this item for free...or maybe that...what if...

God came back with, well, a reverential silence worthy of God.

As I worked some more, light began dawning, albeit foot-draggingly slow. "OK, I guess I can do without this for the next six months. OK, this one...maybe that could substitute for this." After about five minutes of such ruminations, a lightning strike of inspiration came.

"Yeah, I guess I could make something like this out of what I already have. After all, I'm a creative kuripot."

And since I'm only kuripot* when it comes to shopping money, but not when it comes to sharing good stuff with people, I thought I could blog about my attempts, or share ideas, and hope that somewhere out there, someone would pick up a useful idea or two, and, yes, make something and/or save something.

Oh, and contrary to common perceptions about "kuripot" people: sometimes we just like to scrimp on things we would have liked because we'd rather splurge on people we want to bless :-)

A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.-Proverbs 11:25

Looking forward to sharing,

*Pinoy for stingy